Emotion-Focused Therapy

Emotion-focused therapy, or EFT, is a humanistic approach to psychotherapy first developed over 30 years ago. It views emotion as the most important organizing factor behind human experience and sees emotional attachment as a central motivating drive. Attachment theory, in which different styles of relating result from the quality of early childhood relationships, provides an important framework. Understanding our own attachment style, and how it leads us to relate to others with different attachment styles, allows us to better appreciate where work may be needed on ourselves.

EFT is now best known as a couples therapy (emotion-focused couples therapy, EFCT). The most famous therapist and writer in this field is Dr. Sue Johnson, who says:

At the core of happy relationships is a deep trust that partners matter to each other and will reliably respond when needed…Love is a constant process of tuning in, connecting, missing and misreading cues, repairing, and finding deeper connection (2013, p.26)

EFCT helps couples communicate better from a place of greater individual acceptance and attunement to the connecting process. The importance of empathy is stressed and unmet attachment needs are mutually explored in order to strengthen bonding. Families can also benefit from this style of therapy (emotion-focused family therapy, EFFT).

Emotion Focused Therapy EFT - Therapist Newmarket Aurora


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